The Forest Wonderer. Wildlife Nature Preservation and Conservation
Saturday, 4 November 2006
Campground Recreational Vehicle Parks - A Great Holiday Option
Topic: Hiking

by Susan Dean

Wow, it is nearly holiday time again and the whole family is starting to get a little restless. What we need is to get away for a while and see some of our magnificent country. As we are owners of an RV we can do exactly that without it being too expensive. We as a family love to head off around the country and stay in campground recreational vehicle parks. We also like to just stop off somewhere remote and camp as well but mostly we like the atmosphere of a park.

These campground recreational vehicle parks have so much to offer. For a start you feel more secure than when camping out on your own, you have the use of their facilities, some of them are even like mini resorts. We get to meet so many different types of people which are always interesting, and the kids get to play with other children.

It is such a wonder experience to travel by road as you get to see so many things that you would not ordinarily see. Some people think that this type of holiday is not relaxing enough but I would disagree whole-heartedly. How can you not say that finding a beautiful private lagoon or a hidden valley is not relaxing? Sitting down with your family all alone seeing countryside that is basically untouched is to me very relaxing.

Ok, so you do have to drive a fair bit of the time but the scenery that you see makes up for it all and then of course you arrive at one of the many campground recreational vehicle parks and what else do you do but relax. In fact you don't have to go to lots of these parks in one vacation. Lots of people have their favorite ones and go there and spend their whole vacation in the one place just relaxing.

To travel like this does not mean that you have to own your own RV or camper like we do because you can rent one if you like. In fact it is a good idea to do just this first if you are thinking of buying one. Then you can see if you really like this type of holiday traveling around the countryside.

I know lots of people who like to travel with friends or family in a sort of convoy. This way they have company while traveling. They all end up at the same park and continue on with their vacation as a group. Of course there are others who prefer absolute privacy and stick to themselves. This is really a very personal thing. But the good news is that this type of vacation suits everyone.

It's funny how when you travel like this you become very relaxed and sometimes forget to be cautious. Just because you are on holiday does not mean that you should forget to be safety conscious. By this I mean make sure you lock your RV or camper when not in attendance. Don't leave valuables lying around, as you never know who is lurking around ready to pry on unsuspecting happy holiday goers.

Other than this, enjoy your time away camping whether alone or at one of the many campground recreational vehicle parks. I know my family and I will.

About the Author

Susan Dean is a successful webmaster and publisher of She provides lots of handy hints and advice on recreational vehicles at her web site.

Posted by forestwonderer at 5:44 PM EST

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