The Forest Wonderer. Wildlife Nature Preservation and Conservation
Monday, 23 October 2006
Environment And Global Warming Tops Monaco Agenda
Topic: Environment
by Roger Munns

The world's environment and in particular global warming and the environment have been the top issues for Prince Albert of Monaco, and while he is preparing to mark the first year of his succession to the Principality of Monaco, a local destination guide suggests that the second smallest country in the world is in safe hands and can look forward to years of progressive economic and social policies that extend well beyond the borders of Monaco.

'Prince Albert has changed his playboy image', they say, 'since coming to power he has taken the initiative on environmental issues, for example in April he went to the North Pole to draw attention to his fellow world leaders that the environment should be top of their agenda, and he has made a concerted effort to put the environment on the map of Monaco issues that need addressing'.

The environment seems to be of particular concern to Prince Albert, and with this in mind the 2006 Monaco Yacht Show was carbon neutral. The organisers will be paying for a variety of green projects in Europe and further afield, including enough wind turbines in New Zealand to generate power for 50,000 homes.

In two further steps earlier this year to increase Monaco's influence in world affairs and to promote Prince Albert's concern for the environment, the Monaco government announced that it would calculate GDP for the first time, enabling Monaco to meet the UN's target of 0.7 per cent for developing countries, and Prince Albert himself founded a new foundation as 'part of his personal commitment for the protection of the environment and for sustainable development'.

Prince Albert's father, Prince Rainier who ruled Monaco for fifty years was known as the 'builder prince', as Monaco grew out of all recognition while he was in power, transforming the principality from a European backwater to Europe's top tax haven and home to many of Europe's top businessmen and sports stars.

Prince Albert has continued his father's tradition, with plans recently announced for an island to be built off Monte Carlo which will increase the size of the world's second smallest country. But bidders have been asked to plan the project with the environment in mind, as well as the Monaco Grand Prix. The possibilty exists that the Grand Prix circuit will be changed to encompass the new island - and with it more opportunities for overtaking.

Monte Carlo

Tradition and modernity have long been features of Monaco, and as well as a first class infrastructure, the Principality can boast one of the world's top hotels in the Hotel de Paris.

Along with the banking and finance sectors that help Monaco's economy to be one of Europe's most successful, tourism also plays a major part, with many visitors making day trips from neighbouring France and Italy.

'The Monaco Grand Prix plays a part of course', comment the guide, 'but many tourists want to see what it is really like to be in Monte Carlo, the millionaire's playground. Monaco hotels enjoy high occupation levels despite the day trippers though, as so many business people are in Monaco for two or three days'.

Property prices in Monaco are among the highest in the world, with one bedroom apartments after closing costs starting at around a million Euros.

It's thought unlikely that the new island to be built off Monaco will reduce prices much overall despite the increase in the number of property units available as Monaco property is always in demand.

A local real estate company believe that most new apartments will be sold to investors off plan well in advance of any building work starting.

'The problem with property in Monaco is not the lack of buyers', they say, 'but more the lack of good properties for buyers to choose from. Hopefully the new island will address that. Everyone in Monaco is aware of how important the environment is thanks to Prince Albert's initiatives in pushing it up the political agenda, and any new developments will be low rise. With the good weather in Monaco expect to see plenty of solar panels on the roofs to make the buildings energy efficient'.

During his first year Prince Albert has successfully made the people of Monaco aware of global warming and taken steps to combat it, and for his second year and beyond he is likely to be campaigning just as hard at home and abroad on the issue he believes in so much.

About the Author

YourMonaco is an on-line guide for Monaco and Monte Carlo at , Tribune properties offer to send current Monte Carlo real estate at

As well as hotels and travel details the guide includes a seven day forecast for the weather in Monte Carlo and hotels in Monte Carlo

Posted by forestwonderer at 10:05 AM EDT
Friday, 20 October 2006
Ways to save gas and improve your mileage
Topic: Environment


A properly maintained car saves on gas usage. This in return helps saves the environment with less usage of fossil fuels and less carbon emissions.

12 Tips Towards Saving Money on GAS!   by Deborah Mumm

Here are 12 tips for how to stretch a tank of gas.

* You can easily take care of a few items without going to a service station. One of them is the air filter. A clogged air filter leaves your engine gasping for breath and means you're probably running with a "rich" mixture, that is, more gas and less air. Many department and auto stores carry air filters, and they are simple to change. A clogged air filter can cost you 1 mpg. Replace your air filter regularly.

* Dirty oil cuts back engine efficiency, so make sure your oil is changed according tot he car manufacturer's recommended schedule. You can change your own, and buying your own oil is much cheaper. There's a drain plug under your engine that will come out readily with a wrench. Have a bucket ready to catch the dirty oil, and remember to dispose of it safely.

* If your fan belt is too tight, your engine is working too hard and wasting gas. The belt should give a little to finger pressure when the engine is not running. if it doesn't, you can easily adjust the tension with a wrench.

* Badly worn spark plugs can cost you as much as 2 mpg. This is probably a job for a trained technician.

* The car has been a way of life for most Americans. There are alternatives. These include mass transit, bike paths, and car pools. * Heavier cars are more costly to run. A reduction of 200 pounds in automotive weight typically improves fuel economy by nearly 5 percent.

* Use the air conditioner in your car as little as possible. It uses a lot of gas. Roll down the windows and get some fresh air! * Using cruise control can save gas. If you drive on the open road often, staying at a constant speed will save fuel. * If you are taking a trip, start early in the day while traffic is light. Plan to stop for meals at times when traffic is heavy.

* Don't let your car idle for a long time to warm it up. Also, don't let your car idle for more than a minute after it is warmed up - idling wastes more gas than restarting your car.

* Do not rev the engine and then quickly shut your car off. This wastes gas. It also pumps raw gasoline into the cylinder walls. This can wash away a film of oil that protects the cylinders and will increase engine wear.

* Check your tires. Your owner's manual has important information on your tires, including the correct air pressure that should be in them. Under-inflation of your tires can cost you as much as 1 mpg. Radial tires have 50 percent less road resistance, so they give you 3 to 19 percent better mpg.

About the Author

Deborah Mumm lives in Grayslake, IL where she has been an Environmental Consultant since 1996. You can get additional tips on environmental issues as well as allergy and asthma prevention at

Posted by forestwonderer at 1:54 PM EDT
Ways that you can help protect the environment
Topic: Environment
by James Joyce

Ways that you can help protect the environment

It seems that every other day there is a new "Green "initiative to help us "Save the Planet". We are forever being urged to join in and do what we can to help, but What can we do? Will it really make a difference?

It may surprise many of you to know that there are small changes we can make to our everyday lives, which will have a major impact on the environment. If you are really looking to help the environment, you may wish to consider the following simple ideas :-

Switch Off Electrical Appliances when not in use

Switching off, rather than leaving on stand-by, such everyday appliances as your TV and Computer will save enormous amounts of energy. By saving the energy, we can all help to reduce carbon emission into the earth's atmosphere, thereby reducing pollution and global warming.

Car Sharing

Rather than travel to work alone, why not arrange a car sharing Scheme with one or more of your friends or colleagues? To give you an example, if you drive one of the fashionable 4x4 cars, you will use more energy in a year than you would leaving your fridge door open for seven years, or your TV on for thirty two years! Imagine the savings if you car shared with 2,3 or even 4 people?

Insulation and Turing Down your Thermostat

These two energy saving ideas go hand in hand, and they will save YOU money. By turning your central heating thermostat down by one degree, this will both reduce both your household emissions, and save you £30 a year in energy costs.

If you also update your roof and wall cavity insulation, as well as eliminating annoying draughts around your doors and windows, you will retain more of the heat in your home, and again reduce emission. A win win situation, I think you will agree?


Recycling is perhaps the easiest way to help in the fight to save the environment. You can recycle many every day materials including glass, paper, plastics, cans and much much more. Not only does recycling save on energy emissions, the recycling of paper will literally save millions of trees a year, which are the earth's main source of absorbing some of the harmful emissions in the atmosphere. Not to mention, the chance of saving areas like the Amazon Rain Forests, which contain some of the rarest of animals, many of which are near extinction due to the actions of man.

Junk Mail

While we all complain about the increase in Junk Mail, we very rarely do anything about it and the mail continues to flow through our letter boxes, straight into the bin - with 99% not even opened.

What can you do about this? There are various websites around the world (UK residents check out for further details) where you can register to receive NO JUNK MAIL. As well as saving your time, your will also be doing a massive amount to help the environment, e.g. every person in the US receives junk mail which is equivalent to one and a half trees a year!! Throughout the US as a whole, this equates to more than 100 million trees a year.

Note:  (United States) You can use the Unsolicited Mail website to get off the junk mail list.  It only will cost you a $1.00.  This is a governmental office site.

There are many many other everyday changes which you can make to help the environment, they will cost you nothing and many will actually save you money! Why not give it a try? Turn your thermostat down by one degree and see if you notice the difference. We can all help, if we really want to.

© 2006 - J. Joyce

About the Author

James Joyce is currently the webmaster of an environment forum, discussing all aspects of the environment (


Posted by forestwonderer at 10:18 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 October 2006 10:43 AM EDT
Thursday, 19 October 2006
Green And Environmental Awareness Campaigns Online
Topic: Environment

Author: Madison Lockwood

One of the best things about the Internet is that it brings the
entire world closer together. When your job is environmental
and spreading awareness about green living, you know
just how important the Web can be to disseminate information.
This is why no green or environmental awareness campaign should
be without a website.

Getting Information Out

People need all the information necessary to make an informed
decision. Because the media and advertising offers only one
side of the story - the sensationalist version and the version
that sells - it's up to you to give the public the rest of the
story. It's not easy to combat information campaigns backed by
big money. But with a Web site, you have maximum exposure for
minimal cost. An article written on a pamphlet will only be
read by a few. That same article posted on your Web site will
be read by thousands. Those who want the information will be
able to find it.

They say that pictures communicate a thousand words and in the
green world that is true a thousand times over. Sometimes
people need to see the devastation and damage alongside the
statistics in order to understand what's happening, who it's
affecting, and where.

Bringing Information In

Staying on top of developments out in the world, depending on
how wide the scope of your campaign, is a crucial component of
providing information. You need to have the most up-to-date
information in order to remain on the cutting edge of
developments in the movement.

With a Web site, there are a variety of ways to allow people to
contact you and report updates and news in their area. A blog is
the most popular forum, with different sections dedicated to
different aspects of the cause or perhaps different states,
cities, counties, or regions. Allowing visitors to your site to
post what is happening around them is a great way to allow
communities to be an active part of their local campaign. In
fact, the Web is home to the newest incarnation of journalism:
on-the-street eye witnesses reporting the news at a grassroots
level in real time. Perfect for the green campaign!

Organizing the Masses

Another way that your Web site can contribute to the growth of
your campaign is to assist you in organizing your greatest
resource: people. Volunteers can sign up to man booths at fairs
and concerts in their area or to head letter writing campaigns
or to get local businesses involved.

You can have a form online for them to fill out with their
information so that you can organize regional lists and find
out their strengths, schedules, and specific interest in the
campaign so that you can better utilize their skills.

Presenting Your Case

Finally, once you've organized the information in such a way as
to educate those who are already interested in the subject can
get informed, your focus should then turn to those you have to
convince - the legislators.

With links to incredibly detailed maps on Google Earth,
researched and recent statistics, personal testimonies of
voters, petitions, graphics, and more, your Web site will not
only increase the visibility of your campaign but inform the
people who can help change the laws.

About The Author: Madison Lockwood is a customer relations
associate for She helps clients
understand how a website may benefit them both personally and
professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting,
ecommerce hosting, & VPS hosting to a wide range of customers.

Posted by forestwonderer at 2:23 PM EDT
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
North Korea nuclear devices and world peace
Topic: Environment

North Korea – Yes, You Have Our Attention
Author: Richard Stoyeck

North Korea has tested a low yield nuclear device with 4% of
the destructive power of the bomb that the United States
dropped on Hiroshima, Japan at the end of World War II.

Some believe that the device was much larger but may have
failed for technical reasons.

We don’t know the truth, because the United States has not
devoted the resources to know what is really going on. If you
are surprised, don’t be. Intelligence collection is a tricky

When Richard Nixon was President, you may remember that one of
our ships, the USS Pueblo was brazenly attacked and hijacked in
international waters in 1968, off the coast of North Korea. The
82 member crew was taken prisoner and tortured over an 11 month
period before their release was negotiated.

There is such a thing as institutional memory. The senior
members of the military remember the Pueblo incident well, and
it still influences our behavior towards North Korea. As an
aside, President Nixon gave the order to attack North Korea in
retribution for the Pueblo incident. At the time the President
believed a show of force was absolutely necessary to dissuade
the Koreans from further provocative acts. Nixon’s Secretary of
Defense at the time did not carry out the Presidential
directive. To the end of his life, Nixon felt the biggest
foreign policy error of his administration was the failure to
carry out a retaliatory raid against North Korea for the Pueblo
capture. The Pueblo incident has emboldened the North Koreans
ever since.

Both the Clinton and Bush Administrations were aware of the
Pueblo incident and its aftermath, when attempting to configure
a new US policy towards North Korea’s nuclear program. We have
37,000 American soldiers stationed in South Korea protecting
our alliance and interests with South Korea. There is a phased
troop withdrawal from the South Korea Peninsula taking place.

You have to wonder why we are willing to withdraw troops from
South Korea during a time when they wish to pursue a nuclear
development process. The answer is that this area of the world
is loaded with dynamite, and if it blows up, you don’t want to
have 37,000 American troops sitting in the middle of it. North
Korea has one of the largest stockpiles of artillery weapons of
any army in the world. They are capable of striking Seoul, South
Korea’s capital from across the border.

It was recently reported that Prince Bandar, the Saudi Arabian
Ambassador to the United States had a private conversation with
President Bush. In the conversation the Prince told the
President that the United States should withdraw US troops from
South Korea. Bandar felt it was too dangerous to leave our
soldiers in the middle of a possible confrontation where our
OPTIONS would be limited. As Bandar put it, without troops on
the border, if there’s problem, it’s a REGIONAL PROBLEM. With
troops, you could have thousands of American lives at risk, and
it becomes a major WAR instantly.

So what do we do about the North Koreans announcing the ACTUAL
testing of a nuclear weapon? We have to realize that words have
power. We have to be careful what we say. President Bush
announced the “axis of evil” speech several years ago. He named
North Korea and Iraq as two of the three countries. It would
seem that he started his anti-terrorism campaign in the wrong
end of the world.

Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction (WMD), while
North Korea has gone live with them. Now we are in a bind. Our
defense policy has been altered whereby we can only fight one
war in one country at a time, while fighting a holding action
in a second country. Prior to the Bush Administration holding
power, we were postured to fight two simultaneous wars on two

The bad guys know our new policy and will take advantage of us
being pinned down in Iraq to expand their own power bases.
Since we have a fear of losing pilots or better yet, having a
pilot shot down, we are not doing the reconnaissance flights
that we would normally do over North Korea.

The best thing to do right now is to realize that if North
Korea is a problem for the United States, it is a much bigger
problem for Japan, China, Philippines, and South Korea. This is
a regional problem in spite of our alliances, and treaty
involvements. Its one thing to build and detonate a nuclear
weapon, it’s quite another to have a long range missile
delivery system. North Korea could fairly easily develop a
delivery system capable of hitting the countries in its
immediate vicinity.

Hitting the United States from a 9,000 mile plus distance is
another story, not so easy really. Since the countries
bordering North Korea have the most to lose, they should be the
ones bearing the brunt of the responsibility for multi-lateral
talks among the powers involved.

The real deal is that North Korea is a dictatorship that
routinely starves its own people for the benefit of the small
leadership that has basically enslaved the country. This
leadership wants to play the cards that it can. What it now has
is nuclear weapons. They will use this card to maximize whatever
concessions they can from the United States and the immediate
surrounding neighbors.

Are we going to cave, and make concessions to the North
Koreans? Of course we are, because that’s what superpowers do.
It’s not about appeasement, it’s about business, and what makes
good business sense. Churchill said that “People have friends,
nations have interests”.

It is in our interest to not divert ourselves from the issue of
extricating ourselves from a tortuous situation in Iraq. It is
costing us treasure, and beginning to eat at the social fabric
our country as Viet Nam did a generation ago. We must put a
good face on Iraq and get out. The President may not be aware
of it, but he is on a short leash in Iraq. The American people
are very intolerant of wars without objectives that last too
long, and that’s precisely where George Bush finds himself. It
is highly questionable that his party will survive the mid-term
elections intact. The country will embrace CHANGE, even from a
Democratic party that is devoid of ideas.

About The Author: Richard Stoyeck’s background includes being a
limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers,
Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace
University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs
Rockefeller Capital Partners and

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Posted by forestwonderer at 10:00 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 October 2006 2:36 PM EDT
Learning canoe paddling techniques
Topic: wildlife

If Doing a First Time Wilderness Canoe Trip, Take a Course And Do It Right!   by Garth Pottruff

Many visitors outside of Canada wish to experience a Canadian canoe trip. Canada is the land of moose, bear, timber wolves and beaver. It has miles of lakes and forest. To the visitor this is the place to be... but the challenge is getting the experience to do it.

Novice canoeist planning a week canoe trip would be wise to take a one day canoe trip training. The purpose of these courses is to equip the beginning canoeist with the skills to enjoy a multi-day canoe trip. The second purpose is to develop a level of competence so that the novice can do a canoe trip without a personal guide.

These instructional courses give the novice access to an experienced canoeist/instructor to answer questions and teach bush smarts. The mentor takes the beginner through instructional situations with hands-on practice periods. Often the teaching sites are modeled after wilderness sites to assist the novice in experiencing what to expect.

The instructors will help with canoe trip planning to match the needs and expectations of the beginner. The course teaches how to interpret park maps and set achievable daily paddle distances. Discussions cover how to locate overland crossings (portages) to adjoining lakes and select wilderness campsites.

The canoe course teaches safety techniques and common sense for inclement weather. Beginners learn how to paddle and steer a canoe. Instructors demonstrate different techniques for carrying a canoe overland and how to properly pack a canoe for stability. Camping techniques are taught on firewood and cooking fires, putting up a tent & campsite selection, as well as animal proofing for the unexpected.

The course includes hands-on packing techniques, food & clothing, first aid needs, cooking equipment, sleeping bag and tent selection. Some instruction courses will even assist the novice in getting rental of packs, canoes and tents from local reputable outfitters.

Most canoe courses are about 6 hours in length. They are often offered on weekends from April until October. The teaching sessions are group sessions, but individuals, couples and families can be accommodated.

For the experienced wilderness canoeist, the courses are of little relevance. But for the novice, these courses are worth the investment. They develop the needed skills and knowledge to do a safe and enjoyable wilderness canoe trip.

People need to remember that they are often paddling in a wilderness that is remote... and that remoteness is unfamiliar territory to most. Take some training and enjoy a great trip!




About the Author

Garth Pottruff has done a lot of guiding... taking beginner canoeist on one week trips through Quetico and canoe trips in Algonquin Park. His forestry background combined with years of canoeing and teaching has made him a valuable instructor to beginners. He believes a one day prep courses on canoe tripping is the best way to prepare

For more information on preparing for canoe trips visit learning adventures at:

Posted by forestwonderer at 9:30 AM EDT
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
I Want My Hydrogen Car - Now!
Topic: Environment
by Suzann Kale

Can you imagine a car that uses no gas, has water as its only waste product, and runs on the most abundant element in the universe?

The hydrogen car is almost within our grasp. With a little more research and a lot more public interest, you could soon ditch your hybrid and drive your hydrogen right off the lot.

Ditch your hybrid? Hey, hybrids, are great. Leonardo DiCaprio bought one. So did Cameron Diaz. With an electric motor, hybrids are a perfect start.

The good news: Hybrids, like the Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight, have computers that switch the fuel use from gas to electricity depending on which is more efficient at the moment. The bad news: Hybrids still need some gas, which keeps us dependent on oil.

But hybrids do help our environment, and they also serve as a "bridge" between gas cars and hydrogen cars. They wean us off our mind-set of what a car should be. Besides, the media has dubbed them "sexy."

The sexiest car of all, though, is the hydrogen. Under the hood, you will find a hydrogen fuel cell. Unlike a battery, which eventually dies, the fuel cell creates an efficient, continual flow of electricity by converting hydrogen and oxygen into water, producing electricity in the process. It is this electricity that will run your car.

What is hydrogen? It's a colorless, odorless element. It's lightweight, and -- what makes it a good fuel -- highly flammable. We know hydrogen very well - combined with oxygen (H20), it makes water.

Where does the external power come from? Canadian SHEC Labs (Solar Hydrogen Energy Corporation) is working on using solar energy to create hydrogen from methane - which is easily available from landfills.

A bonus here is that the methane not only helps create fuel, but using it in this way, according to SHEC, also helps lessen greenhouse gas emissions from these landfill sites. Greenhouse gas is a leading cause of global warming.

BMW, Honda, Suzuki, GM, and other big companies are also on the H-Car cutting edge. Hydrogen will be dispensed to consumers from automated filling stations. Converters will be made available for existing cars.

So why is your H-car not on the showroom floor right now? First, those filling stations aren't there yet - and neither are the other infrastructures, such as storage and transfer facilities.

And although gas is combustible, hydrogen is even more so, meaning that safeguards must be put in place so we can transport and pump in relative safety.

Experts are saying our H-cars won't be available for another ten years. That's an awfully long time to wait for such a critical source of fuel.

Our current habits are ravaging the earth, causing wars, and accelerating global warming. People, we have no place else to live. Pillaging the planet and making it uninhabitable is not an option. If we don't care for ourselves, we must care for our children and grandchildren.

The truth is, there's simply no alternative to the hydrogen car.

What can each of us do, to get these cars into our driveways before the planet is raked and devastated?

Get the T-shirt! Get the word out. Educate your congress people. Talk about it at dinner. Bring it up at town council meetings. Write letters to editors. Get the bumper sticker. Start a blog. Call your car dealerships, so they can get the word back to the manufacturers.

It isn't true that we are powerless. But it will take more than just a few people to get anything moving. We all have to care about the earth and the legacy we will leave for our children.



About the Author

Suzann Kale is a freelance author and technical writer specializing in science, lifestyles, and the arts.

Posted by forestwonderer at 9:19 AM EDT
Monday, 16 October 2006
Our Oceans and Waterways Are in Trouble
Topic: Environment

by Tracey Wilson

"Our oceans are in trouble, the coasts are in trouble; our marine resources are in trouble. These are not challenges we can sweep aside."

-Commission Chairman James Watkins

In all of our world's bodies of water, we are seeing trouble develop at a fanatical rate. Wetlands, coral reefs, shellfish beds, etc . . . are dying. We only have ourselves to blame.

40,000 acres of coastal wetlands providing essential spawning, filtering out pollutants, feeding and nursery areas for ¾ of U.S commercial fish catches are disappearing each year, says the new U.S. Commission of Ocean Policy, now halfway through an eighteen month study.

Our coastal development, dumping of waste, careless fishing habits, and especially global warming, (Which is mainly caused by human actions), are all reasons our marine life and ecosystem is in critical condition.

Coral reefs are being found in bleached white states, more and more. A sure sign that the 'rain forests of the oceans' are in serious trouble. Not only are thousands upon thousands of marine life dependent on coral reefs for their survival, coral reefs also buffer coasts against beach erosion from storm damage.

Pollutants that end up dumped into our oceans; like the twelve billion tons of ballast water from ships, that are spreading invasive alien species to new locales around the world. It also chokes off oxygen and fosters algae blooms, causing important habitats, like kelp beds and seagrass meadows to die off.

"The oceans are an interconnected web of animals, plants, and people living across a complex geography." Muller-Karger explains. "A change in one area sends a ripple effect that affects everything else in the system. One serious problem, says Muller-Karger, is that we have upwards of fourteen Federal agencies charged with ocean issues. These agencies are, in turn, overseen by more than sixty congressional committees and subcommittees There is too much duplication, too little coordination and too little funding," he charges.

Only a tiny fraction of our oceans vastness has been explored and studied. We know more about the surface of the moon. Our oceans contains potential advances in health care and medicines. Two antiviral drugs and a cancer drug has already been found in seasponges. Imagine the other possible cures that are waiting to be found.

Many of our conservation laws to protect our water systems are not properly enforced. Likewise, policies regulating pollution in coastal waters are not always carried out, as well. It is imperative that we get serious in protecting our marine life and water ways. In doing so, we will be saving ourselves, as well as the life of our planet.

About the Author

Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Poetry. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at

Posted by forestwonderer at 9:51 AM EDT
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Camping Tips
Topic: Hiking

Camping Equipment
Author: John Morris

One of the best trips you can go on is within your own country
- camping. It does not matter if you have done it a million
times before or if this is your first time. Having the right
camping equipment is crucial to having a great trip in the
wilderness. When you are preparing to go camping, it would be a
smart idea to make a checklist of the necessary items you will
need for your camp out. Being prepared is an important aspect
of being far away from a major town or city.

1. Plan your packing

Packing is the first step to a great camping trip (well,
besides planning). Once you are ready to start packing for your
camping trip, make a list of the items that you want and need to
bring with you. As you pack them, check them off to ensure that
you are not forgetting anything. This is the best system for
remembering everything before you leave your home.

2. Shelter and bedding

Shelter for camping and the bedding you will need for sleeping
is very important to any camper. Make sure that you pack all
your blankets and tents if you are planning an overnight trip.
It is best to have some sort of shelter for sleeping to protect
you from not only the weather, buy to also make you feel more
secure. You need the blankets to keep you cozy and warm at

3. Personal effects

Make sure that you pack all of your personal hygiene items for
you trip. Chances are you will not need makeup or hairspray.
You will however need toilet paper, soap, shampoo, a hair brush
and toothbrush. Bring along a few washcloths and towels to
freshen up in the mornings.

4. Clothing

Make sure that you pack enough clothes for your camping trip.
You will not be able to wash clothes so pack at least one
outfit for everyday. You will need pants, warm shirts, warm
socks, and underwear. Have some rain gear on hand too in case
Mother Nature throws a shower or two at you.

5. Cooking gear for camping

You will need to be able to eat while you are in the woods.
Make sure that you have your grill packed as well as a few
other things. Bring along your cooking utensils, cutting board,
paper plates, cups, silverware, aluminum foil, dish soap and
wash clothes and towels. These are some of the important items
that you will need in the woods. Do not forget the garbage bags
to put your trash in while camping.

6. Survival Gear

Of the most important things to remember, be sure to bring
along your cellular phone if you have one. This can save your
life in the case of an emergency. Always remember to bring
along a first aid kit, sharp outdoor knife, sunscreen and
insect repellent. These are things that you use on a day-to-day
basis and you will defiantly need in the woods. With the right
gear, it is quite possible for you to survive for weeks or more
without any supplies.

About The Author: For more great camping related articles and
resources check out

Posted by forestwonderer at 12:50 PM EDT
Monday, 9 October 2006
The Biggest Mistake American Homeowners Make
Topic: Environment
by Dale B. Adams

The biggest mistake that 90% of American homeowners make is putting a dark colored shingle on their roof. Scientific studies reveal that different color shingles absorb and reflect different amounts of heat. White shingles will conduct less and reflect more heat, whereas black shingles will contain and absorb the most heat.

Almost every consumer knows that black socks or dark shirts will absorb more heat versus lighter colors. Since most people realize this basic concept I have trouble comprehending why 90% of the buildings in our nation have dark colored roofs. Putting a black roof on your home or building is not the smartest thing you could do.

It is common knowledge that colors affect us differently. White colors elevate us while dark colors depress us. Every morning when I get up I pull the curtains and let the light shine in. I want to be happy and feel good. When I poke my head outside to see what's going on in the world I like to see white color roofs versus their depressing counterparts. Are these dark colored roofs contributing to the epidemic of depression in our nation?

Roof heat transfer is the process of transferring the almost 200-degree roof temperatures into your attic. Attics can reach temperatures over 140 degrees. This heat creates moisture that falls to your attic floor on your insulation. This moisture causes your insulation to become less effective and this heat then sinks into your home. Insulation slows and prevents some of the heat transfer into your home but I can assure you it never stops this heat transfer. This heat then causes you're A/C unit to work. The hotter your roof gets, the harder and longer your air conditioning unit needs to run. The more your air-conditioning unit runs, the shorter it's lifespan becomes. Roof heat transfer is a term every American should become aware of.

A white roof will reflect 30% of solar heat gain versus a black roof. Some people claim that a dark roof is better in colder climates. Although I am still doing research in this area, I believe they could be wrong. I haven't found any studies yet that prove this theory.

Something every American should realize is that yes we have a shortage of oil, but we have even less natural gas. Years ago when oil wells were drilled it was common for oil producers to find gushers. Gushers were caused by the pressure from natural gas that pushed the oil to the surface. There is normally more oil than natural gas in every case. If no natural gas exists, oil producers have to install pumps to suck the oil out. You rarely hear of any large deposits of oil and almost never hear about gushers. When you hear about the shortage of oil, this should alarm you when you consider natural gas and your electric bill.

Most of our electric plants run on natural gas. It will take decades to build alternative power plants. Environmentalist don't want pollution causing coal plants built and most Americans are resistant to having a Chernobyl nuclear plant in their back yard. Since no other solutions are rapidly approaching, conservation is a necessity. We need to do everything we can to lower our consumption of electric power and natural gas.

Many people get very upset when the price of gasoline rises. Buildings use far more natural resources than our automobiles. If you conserve energy in your home it will have a direct effect on demand and prices for other petroleum products.

If you are the manager of a business that has buildings you are doing a great disservice to our nation and your company by installing a dark colored roof. Your job is to save your business money. The more money you make for your business, the more money you will make. Dark colored tar roofs are petroleum- based so you are contributing to our demand for foreign oil. It is not only unwise it is un-American.

If you are the Grand Pu Ba of a homeowner association that insists every home in the neighborhood has a dark colored roof to match, you need to alter your antiquated by-laws.

I like to think that environmentalist are leading the nation by example and informing others as well as themselves how to conserve our natural resources. They would gain a lot more credibility by doing so.

Anti-war protestors should realize the war revolves around oil. If you sincerely want this war to subside you should do your part to prevent our dependence on other nations. Chances are very high that WW III will arise over natural resources and the need of.

The lower gasoline prices are just temporary and will surely rise after the elections. People who believe they can complain and the government will force oil companies to lower prices are deluding themselves. The only way that could happen is if we threw out our present form of government and converted to a socialist country. We live in a capitalist society and supply and demand will dictate prices. Since there is an ever-increasing shortage of natural resources prices will continue to reach higher. Our only choice is to consume less and constantly search for alternative energy.

Conserving our natural resources is truly a matter of national security.



About the Author

Dale Adams of Majestic Publishers is the author and self publisher of the new book, "Care Giving Made Easy - How to be an Awesome Caregiver" and the soon to be released, "How to Make Your Home Sell - Even In A Slow Market" His many experiences include being a Security Consultant, General Contractor and Energy Conservation Specialist.For More Valuable Information Visit maj

Posted by forestwonderer at 9:44 AM EDT

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